april 2008
it's been a year since i've left japan for switzerland of course, a lot has happened in the meantime. here's an overdue update...
1) i failed the stupid bloody 1kyuu of the JLPT. i'll try again this year although the test format apparently changed and it's presumably harder to pass now...
2) this is written on linux rather than on windows like the previous files. i'm using Screem for site management but i'm not yet convinced. at times it feels like a crippled brother of dreamweaver. as soon as i get a better impression i'll try to comply a wishlist of improvements... UPDATE: after playing around with Screem, i noticed i couldn't get upload to work. in the screem sourceforge forum, a similar question or two have been left unanswered so i presume Screem developement is more or less dead. I switched to FileZilla for ftping and for developement i'll give bluefish another try...
3) i started with a basic course in mandarin to keep myself entertained. it's fun but i'll need to focus on the jlpt again....
4) if you ever can spare two months you do could worse than reading George R.R. Martin's "A Game Of Thrones" and the sequels "A Clash Of Kings", "A Storm Of Swords" and "A Feast For Crows" which I'm reading at the moment (120 pages left...). I foolishly hope that the 5th part will be released once I'm done. That is to say, first half of April :-) UPDATE: i'm done reading the volume and the 5th part is likely to be released in autumn 2008 or in 2009. back to reading 村上春樹の"世界の終わりとハードボイルドワンダーランド", the 2nd volume *sigh*